*PkMsg_previewNoRoots: Can't preview when there are no roots!
*PkMsg_TroubleSettingOutputLocations: Trouble setting output locations:\nUse the mappings panel to remap some documents\nor turn on automatic duplicate handling if you've got colliding documents.\n\n%s\n
*PkMsg_TroubleWithMappings: Errors in mappings:\n\n%s\n
*PkMsgUi_VIRGIN: Virgin
*PkMsgUi_OPENING: Opening
*PkMsgUi_PRE_DISCOVER_FUTZING: Pre-Discovering
*PkMsgUi_DISCOVERING: Discovering
*PkMsgUi_PACKAGING: Packaging
*PkMsgUi_PRE_PUBLISH_FUTZING: Pre-Publishing
*PkMsgUi_PUBLISHING: Publishing
*PkMsgUi_POST_PUBLISHING: Post-Publishing
*PkMsg_AddSrcDocToPkgDir: Do you want to add "%s"\nto the package directory "%s"?
*PkMsg_PkDoerMissingSymbol: Missing required symbol "%s"
*PkMsg_PkDoerMissingUiFunctions: If plugin defines either "%s" or "%s", it define both.
*PkMsg_PkDoerNoPreferencesYet: No preferences yet...
*PkMsg_CreateDirectory: The directory "%s" doesn't exist. Do you want to create it?
*PkMsg_CantMakePkgDir: Trouble making package directory:\n %s
*PkMsg_ClobberPkgDirWithPkgDir: Do you want to overwrite the existing package directory %s?
*PkMsg_CantRemove: Can't remove "%s".
*PkMsg_UserCancelled: %s process cancelled by user.
*PkMsg_ReallyCancel: Do you really want to cancel?
*PkMsg_TroubleRemovingDir: Trouble removing directory "%s". (It might be partially destroyed!)
*PkMsg_BadRoot: "%s" is a bad root. Not gonna add it!
*PkMsg_NeedRootsBeforeDiscover: You must specify some root documents before you can discover!
*PkMsg_saveBeforeQuit: Save the current package\nbefore quitting CosmoPackage?
*PkMsg_saveBeforeOpenNew: Save the current package before\nchanging to a different package?
*PkMsg_saveBeforeRestart: You have successfully packaged your content. If you don't\nsave before restarting, you will lose the packaged results.\nWould you like to save before restarting?
*PkMsg_CommitFinished: The packaging is finished.\nThe location of your content is:\n%s\n
*PkMsg_SaveHappy: Your content is packaged and saved. The location of your content is:\n%s\n
*PkMsg_SaveHappyMissing: Your content should be packaged and saved, but it doesn't appear to exist.
*PkMsg_InsidePkgDir: Sorry, the directory you selected:\n%s\nis inside another package directory.\nPlease select a different directory.
*PkMsg_saveAsInstead: You are about to destroy packaged content and replace it\nwith broken content. Would you like to save the current\npackage to a different location instead?
*PkMsg_saveAsSameClean: The package had no changes, so your request to "Save As" to the same directory was ignored.
! =============== Messages for main ===============
*PkMsg_usage: %2$s\nusage: %1$s [options] [ fileNames ]\n -help -- help (this message)\n\ -debug -- turn on debugging flags\n p -- print info about \"bad\" plug-ins\n P -- print info about all plug-ins\n -pkgDir dirName -- default output directory\n -dwytim -- do what you think i mean\n implies -addRoots (and not -setRoots)\n (find at most one pkgDir...looking in fileNames too!)\n -srcDoc fileName -- source document (helps provide defaults)\n -addRoots -- add the given files to the roots of the package\n -setRoots -- make the given files the roots of the package\n If any filenames given, exactly one of -addRoots or -setRoots must be given.\n If no filenames given, neither should be specified! \n
! ARGS: string program name, wide char debug flag
*PkMsg_badDebugFlag: %s: bad debug flag (char #%s)\n
*PkMsg_PkgDirInRootsUseDwytim: Found package directory ("%s") among roots. \n This is illegal unless you use -dwytim.\n
*PkMsg_TooManyPkgDirs: Found package directory ("%s") among roots. \n But already had found package directory ("%s").\n This is illegal!\n
*PkMsg_WontDestroy: Sorry! Not going to make "%s"\ninto a package directory since it already exists.\nPlease choose a non-existing file or directory.